We’ve had chickens for 25 days now. They’ve quadrupled in size, at least. They live in a storage box in our guest room, and in the morning I can immediately tell when something is wrong based on the sounds they make. A loud high pitched peeping usually means that someone has found a way to tip over their water. It reminds me of an alarm clock’s beeping. Sometimes there’s a shrill startled cry from several chicks at once. It’s most likely cause is Malta or Bee testing out their skill in imitating a wrecking ball. They’ll zoom through the brooder, wings outstretched, directly into the rest of the group. Vin can cause the same reaction, but she doesn’t need speed or flight. She has her size and is best compared to a bulldozer. My favorite sounds are when I hear them scratching the ground, peeping frequently and quickly. It’s the sound of contentedness. It’s a neat little song they all sing together, in complete harmony with each other and the world. I was amazed at how young they were...